What is the risk to your company if (and when) your mission-critical applications go down? Lost revenue, angry customers or, even worse, fines for non-compliance and a tarnished public image? Every company hopes its current data protection strategy is enough to keep these risks at bay, but each year the risks become a harsh reality for many firms, often in a very public way. This valuable Resource Guide includes insightful articles from Storage magazine on:
- DoSTOR存储分析 赛门铁克收购CDP厂商Revivio
- DoSTOR存储分析 数据“时光机”帮助企业实时容灾
- Introducing Time Addressable Storage: A Common Sense Approach to Data Protection
- 【技术解析】万卡集群的企业布局、技术挑战与解决之道
- 【深度观察】美国大选引发的AI事件大盘点,硅谷产生意见分裂,ChatGPT等各大AI公司处理大选时暴露问题
- 三位一体战略 零一万物以数字人、AI Infra解决方案拓展ToB市场
- 算力产业链公司2024 Q3三季度财报不完全汇总
- 【深度观察】OpenAI最强版本o1意外泄露,奥特曼完整专访流出:o系列疯狂迭代