1.Will this new partnership with Lenovo affect Nutanix’s cooperation with Dell?(与联想的合作,是否会影响和戴尔的合作?)
This addition of the Lenovo partnership is a natural evolution of our business. At the same time our relationship with Dell remains strong. We will continue to invest in both the Dell and Lenovo relationships as multiple routes to market.(与联想进行的合作是我们业务的自然发展,同时我们与戴尔之间的关系依然非常牢固。我们将把Nutanix与戴尔和联想的合作作为不同市场路线进行持续投资。)
2.How did this cooperation with Lenovo come about? Was it actively proposed by Lenovo?(这次合作是怎么开始的?是联想主动的吗?)
Nutanix continually explores long-term partnerships with other technology vendors and distribution partners who share our vision of freeing customers from the high cost and inflexibility of legacy IT infrastructure. Lenovo proved to be an excellent fit. Lenovo was also drawn to Nutanix as a well-proven technology provider, delivering hyperconverged solutions to customers since 2011 and recognized as a market lead by industry analyst firms such as Gartner and IDC. The two companies were mutually attracted to each other.(Nutanix一直不断寻求与在消除传统IT基础设施成本过高及不灵活等方面与Nutanix志同道合的技术供应商和经销商建立长期合作伙伴关系。而联想在这方面是我们的最佳选择。而Nutanix作为久经考验的技术供应商,从2011年开始便提出超融合解决方案,并被Gartner和IDC等行业分析机构认定为市场领导者1,这也是Nutanix吸引联想的原因。两家公司彼此吸引。)
(See IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Hyperconverged Systems 2014 Vendor Assessment <http://go.nutanix.com/idc-marketscape-hyperconverged-2015-report.html> ;
Gartner 2015 Magic Quadrant for Integrated Systems <http://go.nutanix.com/2015-gartner-magic-quadrant-integrated-systems.html>)
1.IDC MarketScape:全球超融合系统2014供应商评估报告 <http://go.nutanix.com/idc-marketscape-hyperconverged-2015-report.html>;
2.2015 Gartner集成系统魔力象限 <http://go.nutanix.com/2015-gartner-magic-quadrant-integrated-systems.html>
3.Is this partnership related to Dell’s acquisition of EMC?(这次合作是否与戴尔收购EMC有关?)
Pursuing another OEM agreement was natural to the expansion of the Nutanix business. Nutanix and Lenovo have been in talks for many months on this OEM agreement well prior to the announcement of Dell’s acquisition of EMC. This timing of the Nutanix-Lenovo OEM agreement is coincidental.(签订另一个OEM合作协议是Nutanix业务的自然发展。在戴尔宣布收购EMC之前,Nutanix和联想已经就此OEM协议进行了长达数月的沟通讨论。Nutanix与Lenovo的OEM合作时机也是偶然的。)
4.What is your view on the future competition between Lenovo and Dell? Will Nutanix’s cooperation with Lenovo have a big impact towards Dell?(如何看待未来联想和戴尔存在的竞争?携手联想是否会对戴尔构成巨大冲击?)
Customer demand for a simpler, more flexible and less costly IT infrastructure continues to grow as one of the fastest categories in the IT marketplace. Replacing legacy IT infrastructure is an opportunity worth 10’s of billions of dollars. Thus, there is ample sales growth ahead for Lenovo, Dell and Nutanix.(在IT市场中,客户对更加简单、灵活和低成本的IT基础设施的需求在继续加大。变革传统IT基础设施是一个价值数十亿美元的机遇。因此,联想、戴尔和Nutanix的销售提升空间很大。)
5.Among the new products, what value-add did Lenovo attained? Why did Lenovo choose Nutanix?(在新产品中,联想有哪些增值?联想为什么会选择Nutanix?)
There are multiple reasons that Lenovo wanted to partner with Nutanix. Nutanix is the undisputed leader in hyperconverged systems according to Gartner and IDC. Furthermore, Lenovo shares the same vision of simplifying IT infrastructure for their customers in order to let them focus on the applications and services that power their business.(联想要与Nutanix进行合作的原因有很多。根据Gartner和IDC的报告,Nutanix在超融合系统市场是名副其实的领导者。而且在为客户简化IT基础设施方面,联想与Nutanix拥有共同的愿景,以便客户能够专注于其业务应用和服务。)
6.What is Nutanix’s future target market?(Nutanix未来的市场目标?)
Nutanix will continue to focus on delivering a simplified, more flexible and less costly IT infrastructure targeted at the data center. This is a very large market opportunity for Nutanix to continue its rapid growth.(Nutanix将继续致力于为数据中心提供更加简便、灵活以及更低成本的IT基础设施。这对Nutanix来说,是保持快速增长的巨大市场机遇。)
7.Can the new hyperconverged applications meet the current needs of enterprise users?(新的超融合设备,是否能够满足企业级用户市场的需求?)
Nutanix has rapidly grown to over 2000 customers in over 70 countries. Approximately half of our lifetime units sold have been successfully deployed large enterprises and government agencies. The OEM partnership with Lenovo extends the Nutanix reach to over 160 countries. We anticipate this new family of Lenovo appliances will flourish similarly with enterprise users.(Nutanix发展迅速,目前客户已经超过2000个,遍布于70多个国家和地区。在我们出售的终身性产品部件中,大约有一半成功部署于大型企业和政府机构。通过与联想的OEM伙伴关系,Nutanix可以为超过160个国家的客户提供服务。我们预估搭载Nutanix软件的联想全新系列产品会同样受到企业用户的欢迎。)
8.Are there any assurances on the performance and reliability of hyperconverged applications?(超融合设备在性能、可靠性方面,是否有保障?)
Nutanix has been successfully deploying hyperconverged solutions since 2011 to over 2000 customers. Furthermore, Lenovo is rated #1 world-record benchmarks on performance systems and #1 in x86 reliability and customer satisfaction.(自2011年以来,Nutanix已经为超过2000名客户成功部署了超融合解决方案。此外,联想的系统性能刷新了世界基准测试纪录,其x86服务器的可靠性全球第一,用户满意度也独占鳌头。)
(See ITIC 2015-2016 Global Server Hardware, <http://www.lenovo.com/images/products/system-x/pdfs/white-papers/itic_2015_reliability_wp.pdf>;
TBR Customer Satisfaction Survey, Aug 2015, <http://www.lenovo.com/images/products/system-x/pdfs/white-papers/tbr_x86servers_top_csat_2q15_wp.pdf>www.lenovo.com/images/products/system-x/pdfs/white-papers/tbr_x86servers_top_csat_2q15_wp.pdf <http://www.lenovo.com/images/products/system-x/pdfs/white-papers/tbr_x86servers_top_csat_2q15_wp.pdf>;
Intel world records as of Oct 29, <http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/benchmarks/server/xeon-e7-v3/xeon-e7-v3-world-record.html>)
2.2015年8月,科技商业调查公司(TBR)客户满意度调查:<http://www.lenovo.com/images/products/system-x/pdfs/white-papers/tbr_x86servers_top_csat_2q15_wp.pdf>www.lenovo.com/images/products/system-x/pdfs/white-papers/tbr_x86servers_top_csat_2q15_wp.pdf <http://www.lenovo.com/images/products/system-x/pdfs/white-papers/tbr_x86servers_top_csat_2q15_wp.pdf>;
9.From your point of view, how will the hyperconvergence market develop and change in the next year?(你们如何预测超融合产品市场明年的市场发展和变化?)
The hyperconvergence market will continue to extend into all areas of enterprise applications that run on a virtualized infrastructure. Nutanix pioneered the hyperconverged infrastructure market and will continue to break new ground in the industry in new use cases and technologies as the market leader. New areas in which Nutanix will lead the way include scale-out file serving and container support on a hyperconverged infrastructure.(超融合市场将会继续延展至搭载虚拟基础设施的各个领域内的企业级应用。Nutanix作为超融合基础设施市场的先驱和市场领导者,将在拓展行业新应用和研发新技术方面继续开拓创新。Nutanix将会基于超融合基础设施解决方案,在横向扩展型文件服务器以及容器支持等新的创新领域发挥领导力。)