VB100八月结果揭晓 金山毒霸成最大赢家

来自英国的世界杀毒软件权威认证机构Virus Bulletin 2009年8月份认证结果公布。国内厂商金山毒霸2009"再次斩获国际顶级VB100认证。最近一年国际合作方面十分积极金山毒霸,这个来自中国的安全软件厂商(金山软件)旗下的"金山毒霸2009"再次斩获 国际顶级VB100认证(100% The wild virus查杀率,0个误报),金山毒霸继续蝉联国内唯一通过次数最多的厂商。
本次测试的平台为:Windows Vista. 卡巴斯基,诺顿,Nod32等世界知名杀软也成功的获得认证,国内另一厂商瑞星本月再次冲击认证失败。瑞星因为漏毒43个,误报1个而无缘本次认证。

VB100今年测试的平台基本为用户广泛使用的Windows系列:Windows XP、Windows Server 2003(64位)、Windows VistaWindows Server 2008、Windows 7等。

据悉在12月份VB100将会认证支持Windows 7平台的杀毒软件。金山毒霸在已经公布结果的Windows平台系列认证全部成功,早前几个星期,金山毒霸又成功获得Windows 7认证,今年最大的赢家几乎锁定金山。



Kingsoft Internet Security 2009 Advanced
"Once again, we quickly noticed that things were moving much faster this time, both in the install process as well as in both sections of the speed test, and when the detection results were processed we saw a considerable improvement here as well. Polymorphic detection rates were up, and a very creditable score was achieved in the trojans set. Even the RAP sets produced some decent figures, all without causing any new false alarms. The polymorphic improvement extended to full coverage of the Virut variant on the WildList, and for this edition Kingsoft earns a VB100 award."




更令人满意的是Rap test(未知病毒检出率测试)的结果也令人满意,整个测试没有出现任何误报。金山毒霸,多态病毒的检出率的提高,完全覆盖到了世界流行病毒(wildlist), 因此金山获得了VB100奖项。